This post is inspired by the news that Michael Bay is producing the next Ninja Turtles film, and how everyone is outraged that he is going to make them Aliens instead of Mutants, and get rid of the 'teenage' part. So here I have a few designs on how he might change the designs to be more 'interesting and new'
1: Make the Turtles actual space Ninjas in Ninja costumes and futuristic goggles. The shell would actually be a broad shield the carry.
2: Make them have a metal space suit Armour as well as making them look more Turtle like.
3: Make them all elongated and tribal like, so its like they come from a race of green alien turtle like creatures. Again, the shell is just some body Armour/ storage. They would have a Lycra like costume with padding and some tribal body paint.
4: Shredder would be a Robot with parts of a living creature/ brain inside. ( like a Megatron/ General Grievous mix. )